Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Problems in educational system of India


        India is one of the biggest democratic country in the world with population of almost 125 corers. To manage the educational system of such a huge nation is really a challenging job. Everybody is talking about the changing the educational system. They are coming up with their own theories and architecture. Almost all of them are expertise in the educational field (so called). But none of them wants to know what students want, in which area they are interested in. Nobody takes our opinion. This expertise centric educational system is the biggest problem in India. That’s the reason why most reputed educational institute in India IIT got the 317th position in world. Most of the experts are having their own educational institutions so they suggest the changes to government according to their convenience. They are only interested in there own benefits. I think this is the biggest problem in front of Indian democracy. The problem like poverty, economical inequality and the most important is corruptions are due this present educational system. The only target is to earn money and institutions are preparing student for it with all possible ways. Nobody is interested in ethics, values.
            Yes, the percentage literacy is been improved in India after independence, but  when question of higher education comes our limitations comes in picture with bang. Being 100% literate should not be goal of our country. Student should get quality of education. Taking all these aspect into consideration, I decided to propose the educational structure which is …………………..
            We go right from beginning of student life, primary education. The more rich people gets better educational facilities and poor people gets poor facilities. Few parents admit child in private schools. Other goes in government schools. Now is this that innocents child’s mistake that he born in poor family ? The seed of inequality comes in action for the first time in human life and it continues forever. So their should be a common syllabus all over India until 10th standard. The only difference maybe the regional language’s subject. That means all will learn CBSE syllabus which will be the big confidence booster for student from poor family. Then they can work at their best and due to this true talent comes into picture from primary level only.
            Now we will move to next phase of student’s life that is higher secondary education. There should be three branches 1.Arts-science 2.science-arts 3.commerce-arts. The names of branches will sound very strange but we will discuss on them. Science-arts branch will include subject which are present in ongoing science branch, but it will include 2 subjects from arts. The choice will be of student. It will help student to work on subject of his interest. Because I don’t think student from science are hopeless in arts, some them have shear talent, which stays hidden forever. Now after higher secondary education  student will get choice to join any course.BE, BA, BSC according to his interest. Because he had learnt science as well as few subject from arts. Due to this students will not be forced to join particular course only.
            How can society expect best from student? Because lots of us are been forced to our respective courses,  in which we are not interested in. Let the student decide the area of interest and work accordingly. Most important thing is bookish knowledge is not going to help us in battle of life. We need to interact with society. Please give us time to do so. We will work in our area of interest and produce something best for human being.
            Most of the technical institute literally ask student to lie in sake of the job. For example if student is giving placement interview for job, he asked to keep quiet about his dreams. He gets the suggestion like don’t talk about GATE, M.TECH, UPSC and all. Means teachers teaches student that how to lie effectively. Is this fare? Do ethics, values have any sort of important in life? If not how  India will become superpower? Does it make any sort of sense? Should we always compromise with our values, ethics in sake of success (so called)? What is important in human life integrity, honesty or money?


  1. A very different perspective and out of the box thinking...good work!!

  2. Good thinking but important is the solutions It's really contemplating topic.Ur little efforts can be change micro part of system.Keep doing work

  3. It will take time..let us try to improve the system.
    Thank you
